Not wearing cotton
Let's face it, ladies, cotton underwear may not be the sexiest
choice you can make — but it's the healthiest. "Silk and synthetic
fabrics are not breathable, which increases the risk of moisture being
trapped and retained, which can create a yeast or bacterial infection,"
Donnica Moore, M.D., told The Huffington Post. She added that
if you must wear underwear made from synthetic fabrics, you should at
least choose a pair with a cotton-lined crotch. Limit the silky panties
to special occasions — especially those where they won't stay on very
Wearing thongs
Thongs may be the perfect solution to panty lines when you're
rocking your yoga pants, but they come with risks that are just, well,
gross. "If you have a little bacteria — E. coli is the most common
bacteria in the colon — in the back part of the fabric and you're
physically active, that material may move," Dr. Jill M. Rabin told The Huffington Post.
"All it has to do is move an inch or two and it's next to the vagina or
urethra. That thong may be depositing colonic bacteria into your vagina
or urethra."
If that's still not enough to make you ready to trash your thongs, irritation from the thin material can also lead to skin tags on the vulva and rectum — probably not the look you're going for down there. Rabin added that choosing cotton thongs, wearing them for short periods of time, and keeping yourself clean will probably keep you healthy… but is it worth it?
If that's still not enough to make you ready to trash your thongs, irritation from the thin material can also lead to skin tags on the vulva and rectum — probably not the look you're going for down there. Rabin added that choosing cotton thongs, wearing them for short periods of time, and keeping yourself clean will probably keep you healthy… but is it worth it?
Wearing underwear to bed
OK, so hear me out on this one. I'm not telling you to go bed
naked, I'm just saying it might not be a bad idea to go commando under
those comfy pajamas of yours — especially if you're a frequent flyer
when it comes to issues like yeast infections and vaginal inflammation.
Trapped moisture can lead to increased bacteria and even yeast
infections, and wearing underwear 24/7 can increase that risk.
Michigan State University ob-gyn Nancy Herta, M.D., told Glamour, "Allowing that area to get some air helps to keep it dry and clean." If you can't bring yourself to ditch the underwear every night, try it out for at least a couple nights a week and see if you notice any improvements.
Michigan State University ob-gyn Nancy Herta, M.D., told Glamour, "Allowing that area to get some air helps to keep it dry and clean." If you can't bring yourself to ditch the underwear every night, try it out for at least a couple nights a week and see if you notice any improvements.
Not wearing them during the day
Just because it's better to let your lady parts breathe while you
sleep doesn't mean you should plan on going commando all day, every
day. Melissa Goist, M.D, told Health that while it's OK every
now and then, it's definitely not advisable to go without underwear in
some situations. According to Goist, going sans-panties while you wear
clothing that causes friction, like jeans, can actually lead to chaffing
and sores — which can eventually become infected. No, thank you!
Wearing the wrong size
No one wants to wear underwear that sag — it's uncomfortable and
unsightly. But wearing too-tight underwear is just as bad, and might
even be worse. Wearing too-tight clothing in any area of the body can
lead to chafing and irritation, and the vagina is no different. I don't
know about you, but that doesn't sound like a good place to be dealing
with chafed skin.
Wearing underwear that doesn't leave room for a little air to move around can also cause moisture to be trapped, possibly leading to a yeast infection. It's probabaly best not to size down when picking out your undergarments from now on.
Wearing underwear that doesn't leave room for a little air to move around can also cause moisture to be trapped, possibly leading to a yeast infection. It's probabaly best not to size down when picking out your undergarments from now on.
Wearing colored underwear
It's definitely fun to pick out underwear in a wide variety of pretty colors and patterns, but Owen Montgomery, M.D., told Cosmopolitan
it might be bad for your health. "Fabric dye can irritate the delicate
skin around your vagina — especially if you already have sensitive skin
or you're prone to recurring vaginal infections," he said. Looks like
it's tighty-whities from now on, ladies!
Not changing underwear after a workout
Sitting around in your sweaty clothes (and underwear) after a
workout may do more than make you smell a little ripe. According to Jen
Gunter, M.D., it can lead to a female version of 'jock itch.' She told Glamour
that while it probably won't give you an internal infection, it's not
uncommon for women to develop intertrigo, an itchy, yeast-induced issue
in the groin area that's usually accompanied by a rash. Since it's often
brought on by moisture and friction, changing into a clean and dry pair
of underwear post-workout can go a long way toward keeping this
uncomfortable condition at bay.
Putting your underwear in the dryer
It's easy to throw your underwear into the washer and dryer
without much thought, but they call them "delicates" for a reason. While
it's possible to get away with not hand-washing underwear, especially
if they're cotton, throwing them in the dryer is basically giving them a
death sentence, according to Women's Health. Lingerie expert
Jenny Altman told them the heat breaks down fabrics, meaning the elastic
in your underwear will be saggy before you know it. Instead, try using a
drying rack or clothing line. Since they're small and made of light
fabrics, they probably won't take as long as you think to dry.
Washing them with the wrong detergent
The skin on your arms and legs might not call for special
detergents, bur your vagina may have different requirements, according
to Donnica Moore, M.D. She told The Huffington Post
one issue she sees a lot of is contact dermatitis. "The number one cause
of that is your laundry detergent. The tissues that your panties come
in to contact with are a lot more sensitive than your elbows."
Moore recommended choosing a hypo-allergenic detergent — or at least choosing one that's not heavy on the perfumes. "I don't know why we need our vaginas to smell like a garden," she added.
Moore recommended choosing a hypo-allergenic detergent — or at least choosing one that's not heavy on the perfumes. "I don't know why we need our vaginas to smell like a garden," she added.
Figure out what works for you
When it comes down to it, it's important to choose an underwear
that feels as good as it looks. While some of the information from this
article might be a bummer to your underwear drawer (sorry, thong fans!),
you'll find there are still plenty of choices out there that look
great, feel great, and aren't bad for your health.
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